Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lighten Up!

There’s this English comedian called Ken Dodd who put it like this:
“We’re all born with a chuckle muscle, and if you exercise it every day, it’ll keep you young and frisky all your life. But if you don’t, it dries up and drops off.”
Laughter it's a key to opening up the child inside of each and every one of us. How many times do you read something, or witness an act that just cracks you up? Do you suppress your desire to laugh or do you just let it out?
I have, within, the need and want to laugh out loud whenever and wherever I am! In one of my yoga classes there is a man that just loves to make people laugh, I so appreciate him in my class! Yoga is not meant to be serious and stoic, it's meant to free you from the stress that binds you! It's meant to be light and airy or to beat you into submission LOL! (As some of my students profess that I do! Mainly the men!)

Depression and worry are both expressions of fear, and they lock you up even more into a sense of limited options and choice… limited possibility.
Our ‘human energy fields’ (our ‘bodies’, which exist on multiple ‘subtle levels’ as well) constantly reflect our mental and emotional states in their vibrational state.
You, my dear readers, have the ability to break that cycle! All you have to do is
I know this may sound ridiculous at first, but think about it:
Try to be serious (tight and heavy) when you’re laughing or someone else is…
You can’t.
I’ll tell you what:
You can look at the ‘struggle of life’… and you can laugh, or you can cry. It’s just a matter of choice. It has even been shown in medical trials that laughing has a wonderful healing effect on your body
The great thing about this is laughter is infectious! And when one person laughs, it’s like permission has been granted to others to laugh as well. And I mean even the ones who are afraid to loosen up and let themselves go.
So let’s lighten up, what do you say?
After all, we’re infinite consciousness… all possibility having an experience in this ‘reality’. We can make it a ‘fun’ experience if we want, if only we celebrate who we are and express the joy of that.
So laugh, my friend! Take the time to read or watch stuff you think is funny. Try to participant and observe. Do whatever it takes. LAUGH!

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